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INTERNAL CONTENT.. with Dr. Alex Olugbami The Real 'YOU' is not what we see, it is invincible.  Your walk with God is not on the 'Outside', it's on the 'Inside'  God said: "David is a man after my heart._ because David had a heart to heart relationship with God. You may step out ahead of God in ministry and think you are ready but you are not.  If you are not made and you leave, you become half baked and you are prone to attack.  Be made, before you are sent forth._  We tend to be in a hurry when God speaks.  God, cannot be mocked.  It's not about the number of times you fall(because, in ministry, you must stumble to gather strength ), it's about learning from the experience to forge ahead. it's not the external sword that kills but the internal.  What goes on in your heart?: Were you given or it's from you?  For example, someone says: "Have you heard what she said about you?" Then you are quick to r
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                THE PROPHETIC.(Reformation and the power of the unseen)              (Dabar International  Leadership Training Centre.)          Wit Dr. Alex Olugbami.     God has never lived in a house built with hands. How big is God? Can you bring God, into a building? However, as big as God is, He lives in you. Why have we caged God in our Church? The graphic is an illustration of a man who is caught in between both world. The world which is flesh relates with the world and Eternity (which is, his spirit relates with.) The recreated spirit(born again) is at war with your soul because the recreated spirit undergoes a process daily. The Soul constitutes your will, emotion and the mind. The mind is the most trouble some and needs to be attended to, in the series of the recreated spirit. Your mind is the power house and the battle ground because the contention between eternity and the world lies in the mind. And it is the same mind, God
      THE PROPHETIC.              (Dabar International  Leadership Training Centre.)          Wit Dr. Alex Olugbami. The fact that you work for God, doesn't mean that you are of God. Workers earn wages, and has no part in the father's house. You should be a son, not worker. Why are you in ministry? Are you in ministry because God loves you? What's your drive? What's your inspiration? God doesn't want committed men, he wants Faithful men. The Church has specialised in giving men assignments that is not from God.  Don't get committed, get Faithful.  Work worthy of what God has given to you. Please feel free to forward any question now, as we are live and can take questions. We are living stones and when we come together, we form a mountain, which means we form His body and on us, Jesus stands as the head. The three apostles were separated to witness the Church, yet to come. A man who has not lost his sight, will see what he wants to see
             The promise of the Lord.                By Dr. Alex Olugbami.                  *FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK*   Topic : THE PROMISE OF THE LORD (Part I)  Text : 2 Peter 3: 9 "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. This amazing scripture is an eye opener for everyone who intends to understand the dynamics of the promise of the Lord. Undoubtedly, and undisputedly God is not man when it comes to His promise (Numbers 23: 19). Man may promise and refuse to keep his promise but God is faithful land keeps whatever He says. The bible says He is immutable, in other words He cannot lie so his promises concerning you is yea and Amen.  However, a proper understanding of the person of God will lead us into a true understanding of His promise because his promise is a reflection of his very nature as we see in t